Yesterday I went to the wonderful
Make Do and Mend (who coincidently is my arts trail venue, very excited about the collaboration!) to do a footstool upholstery workshop. It was so lovely, the shop has all the types of things I love, cosiness, teacups and saucers, lovely handmade gifts and gorgeous wallpaper! There was a really nice atmosphere with some people chatting and browsing and others learning to knit and crochet.
Anyway onto the workshop, we had a lovely tutor who took us step by step through the whole process of making, which was surprisingly easy with help! I used an off cut of my 'Lucienne' fabric which I got printed for the arts trail last year. Was so lovely seeing one of my designs in situe as a proper little piece of furniture - there really is a limit to how many cushions you can squeeze onto a sofa! Anyway, here it is, am feeling very pleased with myself! Want to do lots more upholstery now :-)
(Excuse the quality of the pics, can't find my camera lead!!)

The brown version of the design I used for the fabric.

A well earned sit down for a sit down for me and the bump (Am now 30 weeks, eesh!) Our new favourite past time aside from eating!