I now have a shared studio space at the Shiny Shed in Chelmsford, and it's starting to feel like home! Shiny shed is a new art centre 'swap shop' where the public can come and swap things for artwork, as well as look around artists studio spaces which artists pay for by generating work for the shop. It has a really lovely atmosphere, created by artist Holly English, she has many things lined up for the space, life drawing classes, tasty Tuesdays, and all manner of new exciting events. I share the space with my my sister Alie. Here are some pictures from the centre along with my studio space and some pieces of work.

Here is a painting I swapped for some of my work by the lovely Andrea Farmer, it's so beautiful I can't stop looking at it in my lounge! To see more of Andrea's work go to: http://www.andreafarmer.co.uk

Love Shiny Shed! I'll updates with a few more pictures later on................